Category: Uncategorized

  • Listed Equity Review 2024

    Listed Equity Review 2024

    How do values-driven investors navigate the ever-increasing universe of responsible investment strategies across Australian and international listed equity funds? Listed equities typically command a material weighting in any diversified investment portfolio, either directly or via funds. The products, services, and operations of these listed companies can have positive or negative social and environmental impacts, and…

  • Our Impact Investment Diligence Process

    Our Impact Investment Diligence Process

    Our clients look to leverage the good they can do in the world by using their investment portfolios. So, each year, we filter through approximately 100 investment opportunities to find those that offer the best combination of financial returns with appropriate risk alongside an intentional, measured impact strategy. Whether it’s reviewing a pitch deck that’s…

  • The Journey to a Total Impact Portfolio

    The Journey to a Total Impact Portfolio

    With the rise in consciousness of the positive and negative impact of investment dollars on the world around us, there has been a noticeable trend among more and more investors striving to incorporate impact considerations alongside risk and reward factors in their portfolios.   In working with clients to assist them on the path to…

  • Explaining our Responsible Investment Matrix

    Explaining our Responsible Investment Matrix

    At Australian Impact Investments (Aii), we traditionally focused on private market investment opportunities. In 2021, our clients presented us with a question – how do you identify a listed equity or fixed income fund that is true-to-label and represents ‘best-practice’ values-aligned investing? In theory, this is a simple question. However, the ever-increasing number of funds…

  • Understanding the Impact Spectrum

    Understanding the Impact Spectrum

    Where you decide to invest your money makes a difference. The underlying actions of any company or investment will have a net effect on the environment and society in one of three ways – positive, negative or neutral. To simplify the identification of these actions, at Australian Impact Investments (Aii) we screen all investments using…